Hi, all!
Glad this list is growing so much, because we have a big job ahead of us in Wisconsin.
What do I mean? From what I’ve learned on my phonebanks so far, folks in WI are largely clueless about the critical election they have coming up. Even if they have a foggy notion that there’s a Supreme Court race somewhere in their future, they don’t know there’s a primary on February 21st, (with early voting starting TOMORROW) and a general election on April 4th; they have no clue who the two Democrats running are (Everett Mitchell and Janet Protasiewicz); they don’t know that there will be no party affiliations listed on the ballot, and they definitely don’t realize how high the stakes are. So ALL of the voter outreach below really couldn’t be more important.
So here are some new things you can do this week:
🔥 Activate America has 18K more Wisconsin addresses to send postcards to. These cards are for the primary so must be mailed by Friday! Sign up here—you must provide your own cards. You’ll be writing to Democratic leaning voters asking them to vote for either of the 2 candidates who will support abortion and voting rights.
🔥 Post Vote Riders’ Wisconsin Voter ID infographics on your social media. Go here to download.
🔥 On Tuesday 2/7 the Working Families Party is doing a textbank into Wisconsin. Sign up here.
🔥 On Tuesday 2/7 Flip the Vote is having a fundraiser for Wisconsin that I’m co-hosting. Join us for a conversation on the importance of the upcoming Wisconsin State Supreme Court race for drawing fair maps, protecting abortion rights, and expanding voting rights. We'll hear from Dahlia Lithwick, author and court reporter for Slate, along with Angela Lang and Kyle Johnson from Black Leaders Organizing for Communities (BLOC) in Wisconsin. Register here or just make a donation to BLOC (a phenomenal org) here.
🔥 Grassroots Dems now has phonebanks into WI twice a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and I’m leading the Wednesday one! Sign up here.
🔥 WisDems training: All Things Spring Elections: Messaging, Organizing Plan, & Important Resources with special guest Chair Ben Wikler will be on Wednesday (2/8) at 6:00 pm (CT). On this training, Chair Ben Wikler & Joe Oslund, WisDems Communications Director, will be joining us to go over important messaging information for the Spring elections. They will also be covering their Organizing plan, important dates & more! Please sign up for the call ahead of time.
🔥 On Thursday Vote Riders is launching a letter-writing campaign into Wisconsin focused on voter ID requirements and free help offers. Once trained on their letter-writing platform, volunteers can request addresses and write letters on their own time until they close out the campaign in late March before April 4 elections! Woot!
So much to do! Truly hope you can jump on some or all of this AND PLEASE tell a friend! (We need a bigger army.)
Thanks! More soon!